Sunday, May 1, 2011

Camera Bag!

Finally. Yes. Finally. After much consideration, I bought myself a camera bag! I am so excited, so to share some of that excitement with you all, here are a few photos :)) Oh and I almost forgot! A very cute story came along with the package....

One day I came walking down my hallway and this is what I found.

The note on the floor read: STOP!?? Stop here. Mistury package up ahed. Be cerfel. May Explode!?!????????????

I entered my room, with much caution, and found:

A package for me!!!

My beautfiul camera bag from Porteen Gear!

And...I realized something. My little sister doesn't get out much! ;)

Life As We Know It!

April 19th. He's in the Army now! Preston my awesome-est big brother headed off to South Carolina for the best nine weeks of his life...or maybe not quite that good. We will miss you buddy, but we will also see you very soon! Two weeks down. Seven to go!

Well aren't we so excited to be taller than Preston! :))