You are home. Finally, after 91 years. I am so happy for you, but then I am sad. In a way I am jealous, but I am comforted knowing that my turn will come soon enough. Thank you for some of my fondest memories. For the baby rabbit that you fearlessly caught for two silly little girls. For the Sunday goody bags, and for all of your stories from 91 years of living. Thank you for the stale marshmallows and the endless supply of candy in the crystal container. For the Michigan trip to Aunt Esther's, and the oversized pencils that you bought us...even after Esther said no. Thank you for the one million year old cholcolate, and for faithfully coming to every recital, concert, play, and birthday party. Thanks for being concerned about every area of my life, from braces, to feet problems, to school papers. Thank you for your constant prayers, my middle name, your sparkling eyes, and your looks of horror. Thank you for your love. This "Young Lady" misses you very much, and I wanted you to know that "I love you...more than you know."